Jumat, 14 September 2007

papes dan irfagi

qunrai qunawi althi is discipole oh thusi (mesn ratiolis baut samet tims is als stepsn and thegood discipel of ibnura arabi, so he fusion between mystic and rationkis
in at level discveti is dosn't matter you take form quran, dream and so on, but you have to verified and sustained by argumen, and rationalsi.

even kindi since his mutazilah thought he vert theologisan filsafat at that time jus mixed theologi and philosopi,

in munqudz dhumina dhalal, ghazali as he se childreo fyahuyid daniaslam he crsitian he thing aht they willl grow as such religons so whic truth? he becama ill anda find he saya light of god come to me,is kind of jump from rationalis to irfan. ?
the idea of mirro ghzali also indebterd from ibnu sina adan in myskat al -anwat he very illuminatif and irfan trends.

miletis moisture? trimalesian
anaximes belive soul like air, soul and body and anaximes thing less progessfi than anaximande becau anaximean thing about apheon (somehint glik immaterila)

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